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Sheet Music: Score

Ulpirra : for solo bassoon / Ross Edwards

by Ross Edwards (2000)

  • Purchase Price: $13.64 (Usually ships in 3-8 business days) — Add to Cart
    This sheet music is also available to purchase as a PDF download
  • Library Availability: 788.58/EDW 2 — Available for loan
  • Instrumentation: Bassoon.
  • Digital Library -- View full score online

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  • Audio Sample

    Performance by Ros Dunlop from the CD Australian instrumental music for winds.

    (this sample is of the clarinet solo version of this work)


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Product details

Published by: Australian Music Centre (under licence from G.Schirmer Australia) — 1 score (3p. -- A4 (portrait))

Difficulty: Advanced

Duration: 1 mins, 30 sec.

Dedicated to Jo Dudley

Includes brief programme note.

Ulpirra is an Aboriginal word meaning pipe or flute.

Typeset edition.

This edition produced 2011.

Related products

This work is also available in the following products:

Score [ePDF]: Ulpirra : for solo bassoon [eScore] / Ross Edwards

This work also exists as the following versions:
- Solo Bass Clarinet
- Solo Piccolo
- Solo Flute
- Solo Saxophone
- Solo Clarinet
- Solo Oboe
- Solo Recorder


- Browse other works published by Australian Music Centre (under licence from G.Schirmer Australia)

- Browse other works for Solo Bassoon

- Browse other works by Ross Edwards

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