First annual report from the Institute of Emergent Emotions


First annual report from the Institute of Emergent Emotions / by Norie Neumark and Maria Miranda. Transpoes / by Sherre DeLys.

  • 1 CD (64 min.)
  • Sales Availability: This item is not commercially available from the Australian Music Centre. We regret that we cannot offer it for sale.
  • Library Availability: CDL 362 — Available for loan


This item is not commercially available from the Australian Music Centre. We regret that we cannot offer it for sale.

Product details

Duration: 64 min.

Acoustic artwork broadcast on ABC Radio National's Sunday Night program, 12 September 2004. CD also includes a reading of the short story of the week.

Non-commercial recording. For study purposes only.

Summary: 'First annual report': A playful yet serious report from the new field of emotionography, with a report from a Sydney-based institute which conducts research into the transfer of emotions between species and objects through state-of-the-art sonic instrumentation. Inspired by the early 20th century French pataphysician, Alfred Jarry, and current art world pre-occupations as seen in theme of the recent Sydney Biennale, 'On Reason and Emotion'. Performers: Virginia Baxter and Wadih Dona. Producer: Norie Neumark.

Summary: 'Transpoes': Throughout history humans have used our faculty to imitate nature in art, religion, entertainment and learning. Transpoes celebrates this second nature featuring people who mimic birds and other animals. Some of them practice endangered cultural art forms, some talk to the animals as part of modern-day working relationships, and some do it just for fun. Perhaps a much-needed connection with nature in current times? This poetic documentary is a vote in favour of the creative impulse in communing with nature.

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