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Ascension and descend

Sheet Music: Score

Ascension and descend : cello concerto / Mary Finsterer.

by Mary Finsterer (2001)

  • Purchase Price: $131.82 (Usually ships in 3-8 business days) — Add to Cart
    This sheet music is also available to purchase as a PDF download
  • Library Availability: Q 784.274186/FIN 1 — Available for loan
  • Instrumentation: Solo cello, 3 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets in B flat, bassoon, contra-bassoon, 4 horns in F, 4 trumpets in B flat, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, percussion (4 players), celeste, harp, strings.
  • Digital Library -- View full score online

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  • Audio Sample

    Performance by Sydney Symphony, David Pereira, James MacMillan from the CD Ascension and descend


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Product details

Published by: Australian Music Centre — 1 facsimile score (76p. -- A3 (portrait))

Difficulty: Advanced

Duration: 12 mins

Commissioned by Symphony Australia for performance by Sydney Symphony with funds provided by Australia Council.

First performance by Sydney Symphony, David Pereira, James MacMillan — 1 Nov 01. Sydney Town Hall

Includes performance directions.

Typeset edition.

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