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Thomas Shapcott

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Thomas Shapcott held in our catalogue.

Works by Thomas Shapcott

Thomas Shapcott is not an Australian Music Centre represented artist, however the following works can be found in our collection:

An die musik by Andrew Ford

Dancing with smoke by Andrew Ford

Piano pieces by Andrew Ford and Thomas Shapcott

Christmas bells : three part-songs for Christmas by Colin Brumby

Boy's song by James Penberthy

Carol of the holy innocents by Colin Brumby

Summer carol by Colin Brumby and Thomas Shapcott

Traditional songs by James Penberthy

Hold on by James Penberthy

The Eighth day of the week by James Penberthy

A Golden girl in the golden sunlight by Colin Brumby

The Ballad of Sydney Hospital by Colin Brumby and Thomas Shapcott

Orpheus Beach by Colin Brumby and Thomas Shapcott