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Anthony Doheny : Associate Artist

Random Audio Sample: Dreaming : viola with piano by Anthony Doheny, from the CD Soul of the viola

Anthony was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, on 20 September 1938 . After graduating from the Sydney Conservaotrium of Music with a Diploma of Music, he spent six years as a member of the first violin section of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.

In February 1966 he commenced a Master of Arts in music at the University of Iowa. Upon completing this degree in June 1967, he was then awarded a Fellowship Grant to undertake doctoral studies in music at Stanford University. His doctorate was completed in 1972, and during this time Doheny taught violin at the Yehudi Menuhin Program at Neuva Day School for Gifted Childen in Hillsborough, California. Menuhin would visit the school several times a year.

In June 1975 Anthony returned to Australia to take up the position of Senior Lecturer in violin at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. This position he held until, after the death of his wife, he entered the Conventual Franciscan Order in 1988. He is now a priest and currently Superior of the Order in Australia.

Since 1988 Doheny has taught violin and viola at the Sydney Conservatorium, the University of Melbourne and currently at Monash University. Throughout his career, Doheny has continued to perform both in the United States and Australia. This has included annual performances in San Francisco, most recently in June 2005.

Former violin students include Krista Bennion-Feendy (Concertmaster, St Luke's Chamber Orchestra, New York), Graeme Jennings (Second Violin, Arditti Quartet, London), Warwick Adeney (Co-Concertmaster, Queensland Orchestra), James Cuddeford (Second Violin, Australian String Quartet), and many more in Australia and overseas.

Doheny began compositing seriously in 1990, and has written for piano, violin, voice, string trio, and other string music. Lately he has concentrated on adding to the viola repertoire, which many teachers find to be very limited. Three of his works, available through the Australian Music Centre, are featured in the new AMEB draft syllabus for the viola.

Together with Fintan Murphy, head of strings at Monash University, a CD of Doheny's works for viola and piano, titled Soul of the Viola, was produce and released in late 2004. This CD is attracting attention from viola teachers throughout Australia and the US because it is felt that many of the pieces are a worthy addition to the repertoire.

At the suggestion of Murphy, Doheny has recently written a concerto for viola and string orchestra, which is scheduled to be premiered at Monash University in 2006. It will also be performed in San Francisco later that year.

Biography provided by the composer — current to August 2008